Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A First

A few months ago I would have said I would never get a blog. I have been converted. I hope to use this blog to post my knitting projects. Either completed, or in the works. Ultimately I want to use this space to post my own pattern creations, but that is going to take some time.
Currently I have two projects cast on. The first is a mystery knit along, compliments of Wolly Wormhead and The first part of the pattern came out on Nov 1st, and I am hoping to be caught up by the 9th, for the second installment. The other project I have started is the first of five hats I am knitting for various family members and friends for Christmas. I figure if I start now, I just might get done on time. As soon as I get to my camera I will take pictures and post them here.